With Barack Obama currently serving his
second term as the President of the United States, he is no longer eligible for
re-election. Even so, as a Democrat and as an American citizen, he has a vested
interest in how the election turns out. More to the point, the President
recently published a
guest article on Medium discussing the current voter ID laws in the country
and how they are hindering the expression of the true American will.
“The right to vote is one of the most
fundamental rights of any democracy,” he states before reminding readers that this
year marks the 50th anniversary of the singing of the Voting Rights
Act - the act that broke down legal barriers and made it easier for African
Americans and other minorities to cast a ballot.
However, while all American citizens do
have the legal right to vote in the United States, not all have had equal
access it. The President points out that there are “still too many barriers to
the vote” even today, particularly among minorities.
As President Obama decries,
the current “provisions specifically designed to make it harder for some people
to vote,” like the restrictive photo ID requirements. His Republican opponents
say that these voter ID laws help to reduce or eliminate voter fraud, but the
President view these laws as unnecessary barriers that prevent the proper
expression of a true democracy.
Because the current requirements can vary
so widely from state to state, progress will be difficult and the move toward
nationalized standards may be a better option. The first step toward greater
voter turnout, which would result in a more representative government, is to
get as many eligible voters registered in the first place. This could be aided
by the expansion
of electronic voter registration, a proposal that is gaining more support
each day. An additional option is to link the electronic voter registration to
driver's licences for a simpler and more automatic solution.
Looking ahead to the 2016 election,
Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has
also spoken out against the restrictive voter ID laws in many states and
she continues to be a champion for equal voting rights for all eligible voters.
By removing these restrictive barriers and erecting more accessible electronic
voter registration systems, more citizens who are current disenfranchised can exercise
their democratic right more freely.