Monday, July 29, 2024

Venezuelan Election Result Sparks Legitimacy Concerns

Venezuela’s National Elections Council (CNE) rushed on Monday, July 29, to proclaim Nicolas Maduro president for the next six years following presidential elections that had been hailed as among the most significant in the Americas in 2024. However, the election's legitimacy remains heavily disputed by opposition leaders, observation missions, and diplomatic envoys from the region.

In a swift and controversial move, the CNE declared Maduro the victor without publishing a single tally report on its website, a practice it had followed in almost every election since 2004. This unprecedented action has cast a shadow over the transparency and fairness of the entire election process. According to the initial bulletin issued early Monday morning, 80% of the tally reports had been processed at that time. If the CNE had already received this high percentage of the tally reports, why didn't they make them available on their website?

The CNE’s deviation from established transparency protocols marks a significant break from the practices it had followed since the onset of electoral automation nearly two decades ago. Since 2004, Venezuela had cultivated an electoral culture that included thorough audits before, during, and after the election.

Before these presidential elections, the CNE announced a series of 12 audits to ensure the election's legitimacy, but it failed to follow through. Essential processes to create a paper trail that would validate the results were omitted.

Unlike previous elections, where political actors received tally reports from every single voting machine and could compare these copies with the results published on the CNE website, this vital validation was not possible.

According to Omar Barboza, coordinator of the Unitary Platform, the opposition was denied copies of the voting records in nearly 70% of the voting centers on the night of the election. Additionally, 24 hours after announcing the results, the CNE had not published results by polling station, preventing political actors, observation missions, and the public from verifying the legitimacy of the declared results.

Once lauded by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter as “the best in the world,” Venezuela's voting system has seen a dramatic decline in credibility, particularly after the CNE severed ties with its long-time technology provider, Smartmatic. Under the current provider, Argentine-based ExCle, elections have become increasingly controversial, culminating in the latest election.

In 2020, the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned ExCle for assisting Nicolás Maduro in conducting fraudulent elections. ExCle is known for its close connections with key figures in the CNE and the regime.

The rushed proclamation of Maduro, coupled with the CNE’s departure from established protocols, has led to widespread skepticism and calls for a thorough investigation. The international community and Venezuelan citizens alike await further details to understand the full extent of the election's irregularities.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Role of Technology in India's 2024 Elections


India's 2024 general elections, commencing on April 19th, are once again setting the stage for a formidable demonstration of democratic spirit and technological sophistication. With the country's nearly 970 million eligible voters called upon to cast their votes, the role of technology remains pivotal in orchestrating the successful execution of the electoral process.

The colossal task of gathering votes from a populace that exceeds the combined voter base America, Europe and Australia combined is a testament to India's logistical prowess. Around one million polling stations have been meticulously established, ensuring adherence to the rule that no voter should have to travel more than 1.2 miles from their home to vote. This network spans across congested urban landscapes to the most secluded rural locations, bridging distances with an array of transportation means that goes beyond the conventional.

For these elections, authorities will deploy some 5.5 million electronic voting machines (EVMs), facilitating a smoother and more secure voting experience. The initiation of the voting process on April 19th sets into motion a carefully structured six-week electoral period where the seven phases of voting cater to different regions systematically.

EVMs, engineered by public sector units under the Election Commission's guidance, represent a monumental step forward from paper ballots. In addition to mitigating the risk of fraudulent activities that were a concern with paper ballots, EVMs have streamlined the voting process by enabling faster, more efficient counting and reducing the likelihood of human error.

With the integrity of elections at stake, VVPAT systems serve as a critical layer of transparency, allowing voters to verify their cast votes. Initially trialed in 2014 and subsequently mandated for all elections post a 2019 Supreme Court ruling, VVPATs accompany all EVMs, their slips subject to meticulous scrutiny. This ensures that a tangible, auditable paper trail complements the electronic count.

Beyond the palpable benefits such as cost savings and expeditious counting, the use of EVMs has fortified election integrity. These machines, devoid of internet capabilities, stand as bastions against cyber threats while providing a reliable, user-friendly interface for India's diverse voter base.

As the final votes are cast and the polling stations close, the EVMs' stored data awaits the nationwide counting process. Votes will be tabulated and cross-verified with VVPAT slips where necessary, ensuring the sanctity of every single vote. India's Election Commission, armed with hi-tech tools and robust procedures, promises to deliver fair and swift election outcomes.

With the votes poised to be counted in the aftermath of the six-week-long electoral marathon, the world is set to witness not just a political transformation, but a landmark event where technology unites a billion voices in the symphony of democracy.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Philippine lawmakers grill Miru over controversies surrounding the bidding process and its spotty track record

South Korean voting firm Miru Systems is grappling with mounting controversy following a recent $322 million contract with the Philippines’ Commission on Elections (Comelec) – the nation’s largest-ever polling deal.

The contract has triggered a series of investigations by both houses of Congress, prompted by vocal concerns from election oversight bodies and civil society organizations. These groups have highlighted numerous alleged irregularities within the procurement process, notably that Miru was the only company to submit a bid, supported by the Comelec's previous actions to evade competitors.

Central to the dispute is Miru’s proposition of a prototype voting machine, a submission that Philippine law prohibits. Critics have raised concerns over a potential contravention of the Automated Election Law, which mandates the deployment of systems with a demonstrated track record of success in previous elections. There is unease surrounding Miru's technology, as it amalgamates Optical Mark Reader (OMR) and Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) components, which have not been jointly utilized in past elections, casting doubts on their reliability and legality.

Furthermore, international reports have surfaced detailing issues with Miru’s technology in other countries. Incidences such as faulty voter ID cards disrupting elections in Congo and significant machine malfunctions reported in both Congo and Iraq have only fueled skepticism.

Miru contracts in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been under increased scrutiny after a report by the Center for Research in Public Finance and Local Development, funded by the European Union, revealed malpractices linked to the Congo's Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) and Miru Systems, including corruption and signs of money laundering. The report highlighted that Miru secured nine contracts in the DR Congo worth over $321 million, with just one undergoing a competitive tender. Notably, the electoral commission procured excess voter cards and ballots and prematurely classified functional voter registration kits as obsolete, leading to unnecessary increased procurement costs and casting doubt on the integrity of contract allocations.

Even worst, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned three senior CENI officials ‘following persistent corruption’. According to the US Treasury Office, Congolese election officials inflated by as much as $100 million the costs for the electronic voting machine contract (signed with Miru) with the intent to use surplus funds for personal enrichment, bribes, and campaign costs to fund the election campaign of Kabila's candidate.

“(…) CENI officials, awarded an election-related contract and doubled the award amount on the understanding that the winning company [Miru] would award the extra funds to a DRC company controlled by CENI leadership.”

As the Philippine Congress delves into the depths of Miru Systems' controversial multi-million dollar contract and the company's questionable track record, concerns raised by both domestic and international entities cast a long shadow over the upcoming 2025 elections. These findings underscore the critical need for transparency, due diligence, and adherence to the rule of law in election-related procurements—a call echoed by vigilant lawmakers and committed civil society advocates. The journey towards a free, fair, and credible election stands at a crossroads, with the integrity of democratic processes in the Philippines, and potentially in other nations, hinging on the outcomes of these rigorous investigations.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Philippine Commission on Elections Strikes Historic P17.99 Billion Automation Deal with South Korean Firm

The evolution of election processes in the Philippines has reached a new milestone as the Commission on Elections (Comelec) inks a groundbreaking P17.99 billion deal with South Korea-based Miru Systems Co. Ltd. for the automation of the 2025 midterm elections. This partnership signifies the Philippines' continued commitment to strengthening the democratic process through technological enhancements.

As the sole bidder, Miru Systems has clinched the contract to provide a Full Automation System with Transparency Audit/Count (Fastrac) to Comelec. The deal will encompass the lease of 110,000 automated counting machines, complete election management systems, consolidation and canvassing systems, in addition to delivering ballot printing services, ballot boxes and other necessary peripherals.

Reminiscing on the past electoral journey, the Philippines automated its elections in 2010, pioneering a transformative leap in its democratic processes. Since this pivotal change, the country has smoothly conducted five national elections, witnessing substantial improvements across all key performance indicators following each election cycle. A testament to the technological leap is the significant surge in trust among the populace; from a mere 30% confidence level in manual elections, trust has soared above 80% after embracing election technology.

In 2022, a poll by Pulse Asia underscored the public's overwhelming support for the automated system, revealing that an impressive 90% of Filipino citizens advocate for the continued use of technology in the archipelago's electoral system.

As part of this deal, Miru Systems is set to provide not just hardware, but also customizable systems and specialized software aimed at ensuring the transparency and security of the voting process. Furthermore, the firm will offer comprehensive technical support for the leased machines and systems, showing a full spectrum of support for the election's success.

Despite its innovative prospects, the awarded contract has not been without dissent. Several watchdog groups have voiced concerns over past controversies surrounding Miru Systems's involvement in elections across various countries including Iraq, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Russia.

In response, Comelec Chairman George Erwin Garcia has given his reassurance, stating the poll body’s Special Bids and Awards Committee took cognizance of the allegations but nevertheless advocated for the South Korean firm based on its merit. Supporting their decision, Comelec was equipped with positive certifications from the electoral bodies of Congo and Iraq.

This strategic partnership between Comelec and Miru Systems is poised to usher in a new era for the Philippine elections, empowering the democratic voice of its people with precision, transparency, and unwavering trust in their electoral system.