The presence of e-voting in social networks is increasing. As more countries adopt this voting technology it is becoming a trendy topic in social media networks.
Here is a list of the hottest articles on the subject for the month of June according to Twitter:
E-voting: Trust but Verify – Scientific American
This blog makes a thorough analysis of the advantages of e-voting in an increasingly skeptical society. Why is America not adopting e-voting if it’s proven to be good?
Who Audits the Audits? – Digital Vote
This specialized blog discusses how human error is inevitable in auditing manual voting. If humans are bound to make mistakes when recounting ballots, who is accountable for their blunders and how do we trust results to be true to the will of people?
More Electronic Voting to Ensure Smooth Election – ABC News
Australia is expanding the use of voting machines for its upcoming October Legislative election. This article discusses the benefits of e-voting already experienced by Australian voters, which prompted the Australian electoral commission to advance the use of voting machines.